
TelephonePhrases·Justasec.I'llgethim.·Hangonamoment.I'llseeifshe'sin.·Onemomentplease.I'llseeifhe'savailable.·Holdthelineplease.,WhendiscussingEnglishphonenumbers,it'scommontosplitthedigitsintosmallerchunks.Thishelpslistenersrememberthenumberandallowsthespeakerto ...,PracticeSayingAmericanPhoneNumbers·twooneTWO(riseslightly)·fiveohSIX(riseslightly)·fourTHREE(rise)·twoONE(fall).,Say“Hello,thisi...

Telephone Phrases

Telephone Phrases · Just a sec. I'll get him. · Hang on a moment. I'll see if she's in. · One moment please. I'll see if he's available. · Hold the line please.

A standard guideline on how to read English phone numbers

When discussing English phone numbers, it's common to split the digits into smaller chunks. This helps listeners remember the number and allows the speaker to ...

How to Say American Phone Numbers with the Right ...

Practice Saying American Phone Numbers · two one TWO (rise slightly) · five oh SIX (rise slightly) · four THREE (rise) · two ONE (fall).

Telephone English phrases and tips to help you master ...

Say “Hello, this is (name)” to let people know who you are. If you answer the phone and the caller doesn't give his name, you can say “May I ask who's calling, ...

Telephone Numbers in English

How to say telephone numbers in English. We look at how to say the number 0, how to say consecutive numbers and the difference mobile phone and cell phone.

Learning English

1. Write down what you want to talk about · 2. Rehearse the call beforehand · 3. Start with some small talk · 4. State your purpose in calling clearly · 5. Remember ...

Saying Phone Numbers

1. When writing phone numbers, separate each group of digits with a hyphen ( - ): 520-447-9821. · 2. Occasionally, people say the last four digits of phone ...